Health and Hygiene
30 Mark
Q. 1) Fill in the blank
(i) Rabies is caused by the bite of _______
Answer: - of the dog
(ii) What does DTL _______ mean
Answer: - Deep Trench Latrin
(iii) RMO is ________
Answer: - Regimental Medical Office
(iv) Heartbeat of a healthy and normal perso
________ is per minute
Answer: - 72 time
(v) Blood test for AIDS is ________
Answer: - HIV
Q. 2) Write the names of five waterborne diseases:
answer :
(i) Scratc
(ii) jaundic
(iii) diarrhe
(iv) ulce
(v) Allergie
(vi) feve
Q. 3) Write the complete form of AIDS, the main reason for its occurrenc
show cause
answer :
Acquired Immune Difficiency Syndrom
cause :
(i) Unprotected Se
(ii) Taking HIV infected bloo
(iii) HIV-infected needle
(iv) By giving birth to babies of HIV infected mothe
(v) shaving with HIV infected blade
Q. 4) How will you ensure the cleanliness of the kitche
answer :
(i) Wash the vessel with hot wate
(ii) Will keep cooked foo
(iii) Any disease to the person working in the kitche
Should not b
(iv) leftover vegetable peels etc. in dustbi
Will pu
(v) The person working in the kitchen every mont
Medical check u
(vi) Cleaning the kitchen dail
(vii) will not allow water to accumulate around the kitche
Q. 5) Match the pair:
(i) INJ. Rabiees (a) Poli
(ii) INJ. Tab (b) Rabiee
(iii) INJ. Hepatitis (c) Typhoi
(iv) INJ. TT (d) Hepatitis
(v) INJ. Polio (e) Tetna
(i) -------- (b
(ii) -------- (c
(iii) -------- (d
(iv) -------- (e
(v) -------- (a
Q. 6) Write first aid for snake bite
answer :
(i) Boost morale of snake bite
(ii) Tightly tie the rope above the cut sit
(iii) Toxic blood by cutting the cut site with the blad
(iv) Snake bite person quickly to private hospita
Q. 7) Fill in the blanks:
(i) Human body is made up of ________ bones
Answer: 20
(ii) Human skull saves ________
Answer: - Brai
(iii) Heart is situated on ________ chest
Answer: - Lef
(iv) The nervous system is ________ and ________ organ
Answer: - Brain and spinal cor
Q. 8) What you can do to prevent malaria outbrea
Will take preventive measures
answer :
(i) Will not allow water to accumulate around yo
(ii) Spraying kerosene / DDT on frozen wate
(iii) Take care of cleanlines
(iv) Forging window
(v) to put fishermen at bedtim
(vi) Odomash, All Out, Good Night Fast Car
Q. 9) Write five ways of water purification
answer :
(i) Boiling ----- Boilin
(ii) Filtration by purifier
(iii) Chlorinisation ----- Chlorinisatio
(iv) Sedimentation ----- Sedimentatio
(v) Distillation ----- Distillatio
Q. 10) Write about six asanas of Yogasana
answer :
(i) Surya Namaska
(ii) respirator
(iii) Trigonasan
(iv) Chakrasan
(v) headstan
(vi) Sarvangasan
Q. 11) What do you understand by first aid
answer :
Suffering from any accident or diseas
From the person's doctor's arriva
Previously given treatment is called first ai
Q.12) Write five measures of first ai
Answer: - Ask your PI Staff
Q. 13) What type of bandage is the
answer :
(i) Roller bandag
(ii) craps bandag
(iii) Tea Bandag
(iv) Suspensions Bandag
(v) field bandag
(vi) Spica bandag
(vii) octal bandag
(viii) Inverted screw strip