Adventure Activities


          Adventure Activities
                      20 marks

 Q. 1) Match the pair: -

     (i) Trekking Camp          (a) Jumping

    (ii) Mountaineering        (b) Delhi

   (iii) Para sailing                (c) YEP

   (iv) RDC                              (d) HMI,Darjeeling

    (v) Youth Exchange         (e) Walking                        Program

  Answer : - (i) -------- (e)        ,       (ii) -------- (d)

                     (iii) -------- (a)       ,       (iv) -------- (b)

                      (v) -------- (c)


Q. 2) Names of four adventure activities                done in NCC Write ?

   answer :-

      (i) Trekking

     (ii) Mountaineering

    (iii) Rock-climbing

    (iv) Para Sailing

     (v) Slithering

    (vi) Cycle & Motor Cycle Expedition

   (vii) Para Jumps

  (viii) Water Rafting

 Q. 3) Write the names of the four sliding               devices: -

   answer :-

       (i) Rope

      (ii) Gloves

     (iii) Screw Carabineer

     (iv) Auto Lock Carabineer

      (v) Full Body Harness

     (vi) Jhumar

    (vii) Figure Of Eight

    (viii) Single Pulley

Q. 4) What items are required for                            trekking?

   answer :-

     (i) Ambulance

    (ii) Water Camper / Glass

   (iii) Root Chart

   (iv) Mega Phone

    (v) red flag

   (vi) banner

  (vii) city


 Q. 5) What is the purpose of adventure activities in NCC?

   answer :-

    (i) The spirit of courage and class in cadets

         To develop

   (ii) Developing leadership qualities

  (iii) To build confidence in adventure training

  (iv) To develop team spirit in cadets

   (v) To take the risk to achieve the goal in the cadets

          To develop

  (vi) To develop a sense of discipline in Cadets


 Q. 6) Two used for rock climbing

          Write about the types of ropes?

   answer :-

      (i) Dynamic Rope

     (ii) Static Rope


 Q. 7) Qin while planning adventure activities

           What should be kept in mind?

  answer :-

     (i) Collect campaign information

    (ii) solve financial constraints

   (iii) Routes choose the place of stay

   (iv) Determine the number of cadets

    (v) Select qualified cadets

   (vi) Stay in touch with the standards of cadets

  (vii) Stay in touch with civil and military officials

 (viii) Rational solutions to problems encountered in earlier campaigns



 Q. 8) What do you plan during a cycle trip and

           Do hope


    (i) First of all make Root March Chart

   (ii) Cycle Riders should be medically fit

   (iii) Correct of Cycle and its Spare Parts

          Condition should be

  (iv) Formation of road according to number of people

         Take care of

   (v) Resting and refreshment in the middle

         Ensuring it

   (vi) obtaining written written permission from the administration

  (vii) All the resources that come in the way, like

          Battalion of NCC, NSS, Police Station etc.

          To inform


                          Jai Hind 🇮🇳🌹🇮🇳


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