Social Awareness & Community Development 30 Marks


        Social Awareness & Community

                 Development 30 Marks

1) Social services performed by NCC                 Cadet What is it ?

   Answer : -

       (i) Blood donation

      (ii) Plantation

     (iii) Cleanliness Campaign

     (iv) Adult education

      (v) Awareness rally (Drug-free against                                                    evils Campaign,                                                      dowry prevention,                                                child Marriage etc.)                                 

 2) Write the full form : -

    (i) AIDS - Acquired Immuno Difficiency


   (ii) PMGSY - Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak


  (iii) NGO - Non Government Organization

  (iv) NREGA - National Rural Employment

                         Guarantee Act

   (v) IAY - Indira Aawas Yojna                

 3) What is the main cause of AIDS ?

  Answer : -

     (i) Unprotected Sex

    (ii) Taking HIV infected blood

   (iii) HIV-infected needles

   (iv) By giving birth to babies of HIV                          infected mother

    (v) shaving with HIV infected blades

 4) Multiple Choice Questions : -

 (i) When was the Act made against the                  dowry system?

     Answer :- In 1961

   (ii) What is the minimum age to donate blood?

     Answer: 18 years


  (iii) HRD means: -

    Answer: - Human Resource Development


  (iv) What is the minimum age for female marriage?

    Answer: 18 years


   (v) HIV means: -

    Answer: - Human Immuno Difficiency Virus


  (vi) What is the minimum age for voting?

    Answer: 18 years

 (vii) When was NREGA named as MNREGA?

    Answer: - In 2009


 Q. 5) What is family planning?

   Answer: - By the way there is increase of population in our country

              It is very painful.

    (i) Widely publicized the family planning program


   (ii) Family planning to differentiate the age of children

         Related material should be adopted.

  (iii) Prohibited child marriage and polygamy


  (iv) Parents who give birth to more children

         Be discouraged.


 Q. 6) Match the pair: -

   (i) mercury jumping (a) Darjeeling

  (ii) Mountaineering Institute (b) Mosquito

 (iii) Blood group (c) A, B, AB & O

 (iv) Dengue (d) 5 June

  (v) Environment Day (e) Agra

 (vi) Dowry system (f) Gutkha

 (vii) AIDS (g) No parking

 (viii) cancer (h) radio

   (ix) T (i) Unprotected Sex

    (x) HAM (j) 1961


  Answer: - (i) -------- (e)

                (ii) -------- (a)

               (iii) -------- (c)

               (iv) -------- (b)

                (v) -------- (d)

               (vi) -------- (j)

              (vii) -------- (i)

             (viii) -------- (f)

               (ix) -------- (g)

                (x) -------- (h)

 7) NCC Cadets in Operation Against                    Terrorism How to help ? 

   Answer :-

    (i) Identifying elements that promote                           terrorism By telling the administration. 

   (ii) By organizing an awareness rally against               terrorism.

  (iii) Terrorism losses and fundamental duties             By telling.

  (iv) Advise people not to get seduced by                       anyone By giving

   (v) People about the benefits of government               schemes By telling.

  (vi) By making people aware of education.

 8) What is the type of NGO ?

  Answer : - It is of four types ---

   (i) INGO - International Non-Governmental                              Organization

  (ii) BINGO - Business-oriented international                               non-government Organization

 (iii) RINGO - Religious international non-                                       governmental organization

  (iv) ENGO - Environmental Non-Governmental                           Organization

 9) What are the safety measures during            road and rail travel We do ?

   Answer : - Road trip

     (i) Use zebra crossing.

    (ii) Use Sub-Way, which is from the bottom of            the road Remains

   (iii) Use Overhead Bridges.

   (iv) Take care of Traffic Signals.

    (v) Do not cross the road.                

                          Train journey

   (i) Must take a ticket during the train journey.

  (ii) Arrive at the station on time.

 (iii) Climb the train only when it stops                            completely.

 (iv) Do not attempt to get in the middle.

  (v) any body of a train window or door

        Do not leave the organ out.

 (vi) Give seats to women, children, old men,                disabled people etc.

 (vii) Be completely vigilant during the journey.

10) Write five big social problems of the             Country ?

  Answer :-

     (i) Corruption

    (ii) unemployment

   (iii) Education

   (iv) poverty

    (v) Casteism

   (vi) increasing population

  (vii) gender differences

 (viii) diseases and malnutrition

   (ix) Dirty Politics / Poor Politics

 11) Write short note:  -

    (i) Basis : -

   (ii) Start-up India : -

  (iii) Bhima App : -

12) Write measures to avoid HIV infection 

   Answer :-

    (i) Avoid unprotected sex, use inhibition

   (ii) Always use the new series while taking the           needle

  (iii) Always use a new blade to shave.

  (iv) Before blood transfusion in the body, get               that blood checked

 13) Write the names of five terrorist                    Organizations : -

   Answer :-

      (i) ISIS

     (ii) Taliban

    (iii) Boko Haram

    (iv) Woodo

     (v) Wolfa

    (vi) Jaish-e-Mohammed

   (vii) Al-Qaeda

  (viii) Lashkar-e-Taiba

    (ix) Hizbul Mujahideen

     (x) Tehreek-e-Taliban


                          Jai Hind 🇮🇳🌹🇮🇳


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